Friday, March 27, 2009

Frugal versus Cheap

Since our Boot Camp segment on Couponing Ethics, I have been mulling over lots of other ideas about how to be a frugal shopper/ Drugstore Gamer/ couponer without compromising personal integrity or honest.

This post from Jennifer at Sisterly Savings gave me some more "food for thought." There are countless situations where we could all save money in unethical ways, and Jennifer helps us to think through some of those scenarios to make sure we choose the best course of action when faced with such a situation. Remember, saving your family a buck is not the ultimate good. Saving money does not justify acting in ways that are dishonest, unethical or deceptive. 

As a side note, I have been so thankful for my husband's discernment in this area. My husband is a generous man; and the more he is given, the more he is compelled to give. He has been such an example to me. There have been dozens of times that he has reminded me that integrity and love should be at the top of my priority list, not my bottom line or how much I spend. I think this attitude of generosity and love is at the heart of the difference between being frugal and being cheap. 

How does this look in practicality? Sometimes it means dropping a dispute over what you've been charged if it's not possible to resolve it in a loving way. Sometimes it means leaving a larger tip at a restaurant, if you believe that your server earned more than the 15% math on your check shows you should pay. Particularly if you are like me and are a Christian, these choices to shop and live with integrity should be non-negotiable.

I hope you'll take a minute to check out Jennifer's post. It's a good reminder that we want to be frugal, not cheap, and certainly not cheats.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    This was a good reminder. Sometimes we can get so focused on saving a dime we fool ourselves into thinking this little thing won't matter. But integrity and love should be at the top. Thanks for this article.
