Monday, June 8, 2009

KMart Super Doubles: Many Stores NOT participating this week

There seems to have been a lot of confusion about whether most Kmart stores are participating in this week's Super Double Coupon promotion. Kmart had originally said that nearly all stores nationwide would be participating, but that has turned out to be incorrect.

I called the Nampa, Idaho store yesterday and found out that they are NOT participating, even though initial reports said that all Idaho stores would be doing the Super Doubles. So even if you heard that your local store would be participating, you might want to give your local store a call this week before you head out or spend too much time matching up coupons. They might not be participating after all.

Here's to hoping that some of you have a local store that IS participating so that you can take advantage of some good freebies! If you do have store participating, check out coupon matchups here and here to get some good ideas!

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